Friday, August 21, 2009

(Mist Maker) (Mist Fountain) Troubleshooting, and Useful Tips

LED Lights do not work, but the misting does.
You will need to replace the Mist Maker Unit. These are available from us.
The unit is not misting, but the LED lights work.
First check the water level. Water must be above the water sensor, extending above the
mist unit itself. If the water level is OK, the next step is to replace the ceramic disk in the
base of the fogger. If you need additional disks, you may order them from us. Replacing
the disk does not guarantee that your fountain will work. It is simply the least expensive
step in problem solving.
If replacing the disk does not solve the problem then you will need to replace the mist
maker unit.
Please Note:
Ceramic disks usually go bad very quickly from using to much aromatherapy oil, or from
dirty water. Make sure your water is always clean, and you only use a few drops of
aromatherapy oil per bowl of water (not per day), but per bowl of water. If the aroma
from your oil is weakening replace all the water in the bowl before adding more aroma
Replacing the ceramic disk.
Unplug the mister and remove it from water container. Completely dry the mist maker
unit before removing the ceramic disk.
Using the disk key tool, insert the key into the winding ring and turn counter clockwise.
Be careful there is a spring under the ceramic disk
Remove ceramic disk. Note that there is a top, and bottom to the ceramic disk. Be sure to
reinstall with the correct side down (black color ring side down)
Clean mineral deposits on the ceramic disk with a soft cloth, and reinstall it or proceed to
install a new ceramic disk in the reverse order.
The inside area of the ceramic disk cavity must be completely dry before the parts are
If you are experiencing any problems not mentioned here, please send us an email or give
us a call 330-980-5199. We will be happy to help you. Please visit or

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